CRM Candidate Profiles

Hillary Hearn is a 2012 Global MBA candidate with a focus in Environmental Management and Policy. She received a bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from the University of California Santa Cruz. After her undergraduate studies, Hillary served two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of Vanuatu, a South Pacific Island Nation. While in the Peace Corps, she worked on various projects encompassing water management, conservation and environmental education, HIV/AIDs awareness and small business development. Hillary plans to use her experiences and degrees to bridge the gap between environmental sustainability and traditional business. 

Bauback Bobby Kia is a 2012 Global MBA candidate. He worked for three years as an associate asset manager for a international private investment firm in Southern California while serving part time as a research assistant and newsletter editor for a non-profit advisory organization for social enterprise.  His experiences include two months in Ghana and the Democratic Republic of Congo where he facilitated the establishment of a commercial maize farm and housing development and served as a primary school teacher.  He has volunteered with several nonprofits and is proficient in Farsi, French and Spanish.  He graduated (BA) with honors in social and political philosophy from the University of Colorado where he participated in graduate level sociological research. Mr. Kia intends on pursuing a career in international development, wherein he aims to apply principles of social innovation towards solving development challenges.  

Julie Schlack is a 2012 Global MBA candidate. She received a bachelor's degree in International Business and Economics from the University of Saint Catherine. Julie has extensive experience working in the non-profit sector. Her academic interests focus on international development and sustainability.

Andrew Seal is a 2012 MBA candidate with concentrations in International Business and Energy Finance. He earned his B.A. from Franklin and Marshall College with a dual degree in Philosophy and Government. Prior to his MBA studies, Andrew served in the United States Marine Corps earning numerous awards, medals and commendations while completing three deployments in countries throughout the Middle East, Central and East Asia, and East Africa. Andrew currently serves on George Washington University’s CleanTech U board and upon graduation, he plans to apply his expertise in leadership, strategic planning and international project management in the energy industry focusing on fossil fuel alternatives. He is competent in Italian, enjoys music, hiking, camping, skiing and collecting wine.

Matt Williams is a 2012 Global MBA candidate with a focus in Environmental Management and Policy. After receiving his BBA in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin, Matt worked as a sales representative for a wine distributor in Dallas before making the switch to consulting. As a consultant Matt worked on IT projects in multiple industries including oil & gas, financial services, manufacturing and non-profit. Matt is very interested in leveraging his energy and consulting experience to help businesses address environmental sustainability problems.

Christie Witzig is a 2012 Global MBA candidate.  She graduated from Wake Forest University with a degree in economics.  She worked at the Corporate Executive Board, conducting best practices research on strategic HR with the Corporate Leadership Council and IT management with the CIO Executive Board. Christie serves on the board of the DC Area Phi Beta Kappa Association and coordinates their scholarship for local high school seniors.  She plans to pursue a career in HR after earning her MBA.    

<>  Alex Cirnu is a 2012 Global MBA candidate planning to enter the consulting field (strategy/management). He has an IT/management background, having worked for a leading global pioneer of results-driven solution technologies for the hospitality industry prior to joining the program. He is the current V.P. of External Affairs for the Graduate Consulting Group, and his interests include sustainability, traveling and football.  

Karen Berry is a 2012 Global MBA candidate. She has a B.S. in Education and has been working in the education reform sector for six years as a both a teacher as well as an administrator with an education nonprofit. Karen is concentrating her MBA studies on progressive human capital development as a means of fueling social change. Upon graduation, Karen intends to pursue a role supporting culture development and staff engagement within either the public education sector or within the CSR movement.

As a 2012 MBA candidate and VP of Curriculum Change for Net Impact, Diana serves as Net Impact’s advocate for continuous curriculum review to further incorporate social and environmental sustainability issues into GW courses. Additionally, she works alongside faculty and students to oversee the Certificate in Responsible Management. Diana received her BA in Economics from Bates College and subsequently worked at an economic consulting firm in Los Angeles. Most recently, Diana served as the Knowledge Manager for the Sustainability Practice Group at the largest global executive search firm. Diana is focusing on melding her business acumen with her commitment to the environment and community.